As with birth, a woman learns to continually dilate through the contractions.
Anywhere we withheld vulnerability from another human being is a place we remain in bondage with them.
I am all things awaiting.
A woman on a train platform,
a woman by a phone,
a woman across a table
opening the anniversary gift.
There are women these
days, ecofeminists they
call themselves,
who have taken on
trees as lovers.
If they can do that,
I can take you on, too,
as a memory, a mountain.
Jordan Peterson has a great quotation on his view of love: “If you love someone, if it’s genuine love, you see their hidden soul. You get a glimpse of light that they could reveal to the world if it were revealed.”
The only way to leave without a trace is to have lived, expressed, shown up, and spent everything we had while in the relationship. Whatever was withheld is what holds us back. Whatever love was not expressed is what expresses now as grip, resentment, desire for vengeance, hope for the future.
When every nerve is tuned to that electric hum. When you’re ready to fall into each other’s arms?