When someone posts “Danger! Danger! Danger!”—that is tumescence.
When someone insists “There is absolutely no danger”—that is also tumescence.
When people declare ”They are crazy or dangerous”—both forms of tumescence meet.
Most people hold onto a sense of self they believe is fixed—an unchanging ‘me’ residing inside this body, or perhaps they think they are their thoughts.
The truth is that we are part of a fabric of ever changing interrelations.
I believe we are witnessing the emergence of a new era. From thesis and antithesis, a synthesis is forming. Those who seek to accelerate it know that to walk this path is to become an agent of healing.
If we are on an Erotic path, we take the circumstances that we clench against, that we block at any cost, and turn towards them.
We open as if they were a lover. We take them in.
Deep inside, every woman knows that the resource her power rests on is her sexuality. Yet not only does she fear her sexuality, she fears her power. And why wouldn’t she when the consequences of both are so real for a woman?
Fight always for. It’s that simple. Fight for the person you are fighting with and for the execution of your dharma (life purpose).
True joy is the capacity to find richness and meaning in the trenches, to find extra to offer another when your own coffers are low, to inspire in the midst of your own dark places and to live convicted in your determination to ensure that we all have equal access to the greatest resource that exists: fulfillment.
Ginga, a Brazilian Portuguese word, is the name of the movement style in Capoeira, which Pelé then adapted to soccer. It is “a one-word collective of the way we move, walk, talk, feel, and most importantly—play.”
A stance of anger—or a movement rooted in it—will not bring about happiness for you or the world.
The higher-order motivation that moves anyone is happiness. If there is anger it is because a perceived barrier to happiness and well-being has been presented.