Most people believe they want love—deep, full, overflowing love. But the truth is, most people can’t take much love. It’s like pouring water onto desert earth—the water pools on top, unable to penetrate the surface. It cannot hold the nourishment it so deeply craves.
We should always ask: Who does it serve to pathologize intensity? Why are we so quick to diagnose excess rather than investigate what internal capacities we would need to cultivate in order to receive it?
When a woman is in full possession of herself, her body, her desire, her presence, she does not need to push or fight. She does not need to wield power like a weapon. She is power.
People are made up of moving parts—many drivers, many motivations. What we call “manipulation” is, more often than not, an unmet need. A need someone does not know how to ask for directly.
To design a future, one must have a destination. True design works backward—you map from the endpoint to where you stand.
Hexed is the automatic feeling of wanting to shut out or shut down something that arouses an insecurity in you. It feels like a confirmation of self doubt that causes a reaction. You know that you are hexed when you feel insulted because if you didn’t already believe it you wouldn’t care.
A naked woman is a mirror. What you see in her is yourself—your fears, your conditioning, your discomfort. And that discomfort will tell you where you are on the map.
The most empowering thing you can do today as a woman is detox from the story of your powerlessness
The most accessible way to understand the force of a woman might be through the nexus of power in human physiology, psychology, motivation, and growth: sexual energy. A woman turns this power on through Call.
The single solution is for women to reclaim position as source and the territory of Eros and sexual energies. Anything other than this is distraction and drama.
There is a cartel of sorts that enforces the fundamental notion that women are asexual and that men are hypersexual. It’s made up of both men and women interested in extorting people. You exchange your freedom for protection from the above three fears.
It is acceptable to be a sexual woman in our culture—but only within the right parameters. Be sexy, but don’t be too sexual. Be intelligent, but don’t be too embodied. As if those things are mutually exclusive.