Nicole Daedone


The writings and musings of Nicole Daedone

To temper anxiety: apply access to the archetypal realm. 

What if autism is here to teach the world compassion and wholeness?
Not just abiding by the rules of what our culture tells us is normal or acceptable?

It is time to focus on the potential.

What we call trauma is value-neutral congestion.

Would you fight those who would remove your shackles, your limitations?

Would you argue with fury and passion to remain in the doghouse next to the mansion? 

If given the key, would you use it to open the lock?

Practice sounds like a dirty word but not when you realize that it is the deliverance from neuroses, the biggest one being misery. Think of it more like a musician or a painter who creates for the joy of creating. Or a birdwatcher who gets absorbed into the thrill of discovering. You are learning to play your own mind, how to open and release and stay firm and convicted.  Americans love to “dutify” things, drain them of the joy.

Skip that part and practice like hell.

Healing can take you to the island but it’s desire that gets you out of the boat.

The real revolution will be fought 

On our backs

With legs wide open⁩.

Unlike traditional therapeutic models that focus on alleviating symptoms, Eudaimonia aims for sustainable happiness.

Tumescence is the cloud bank of the mind, the buildup of unexpressed arousal and desire.