Nicole Daedone
June 12, 2024

You Might Be a Healer, Shaman, or Medicine Woman If…

So You’ve Discovered You’re a Healer, Shaman, or Medicine Woman

How to Stay Sane in an Insane World (So You Can Share Sanity With Others)



Have at least one wise advisor.

Someone who is the tie-breaker between your deeper self and your neuroses. Someone you trust to take you further and return you more safely than you could do on your own.  Safe from what? The grandiose belief that you are the chosen one and the ensuing crumbling into shame when you see the results of the inflammation.  

Anyone who works with the elemental forces and still has a sense of self can easily take that first drink, accept that first praise, take the credit. It’s a job hazard. 

Get yourself someone you trust with a pin to burst your bubble and get you back down to earth.



Immerse in the network.

There are infinite visible and invisible resources available that you can become part of.  The healer can get very “martyred” and sure that “everyone just wants to take from them.” 

Well that is your job. But!

You also have inexhaustible allies in every arena to share the burden with. In exchange for being the big kahuna with a chip on their shoulder, you get to become part of an extraordinarily cool and diverse group of beings who are falling over themselves to help you in your endeavor.




Practice sounds like a dirty word but not when you realize that it is the deliverance from neuroses, the biggest one being misery. Think of it more like a musician or a painter who creates for the joy of creating. Or a birdwatcher who gets absorbed into the thrill of discovering. You are learning to play your own mind, how to open and release and stay firm and convicted.  Americans love to “dutify” things, drain them of the joy.

Skip that part and practice like hell.



Play Every Position.

If you are normally the top dog, clean someone’s toilet.  If you are the invisible one, stand in the center of the room.  The bottom feeder, rise like a queen.  Circulate often so that you do not get rigid in any role, so that you can remain supple.  

Be like Rev Jo, with her mastery hidden in seeming subservience. Or like the Lamas who sit in silks and jewels. Do the ones that are most uncomfortable. 360 is salvation.



Fight the real war.

You know that quote, if you aren’t angry then you aren’t paying attention? For the healer, if you are, then you are not extended far enough into the world—you are likely fighting internet wars or arguments with your partner rather than the real war against ignorance and delusion. 

The true warrior does not have time to ingest the methamphetamine of outrage which is every bit as dangerous as the opiate of religion.



Don’t isolate.

The healer in isolation is not doing themselves or anyone else any good. Isolation is the new black: mood that is. The whole notion that “I need to clear these energies” is a crock. Get yourself a good filtration system (that would be Eros) and you can skip the “boy in a plastic bubble” lifestyle.



Have sex.

These silly memes about casual sex being energetically dangerous is one of the most ignorant, ill-informed campaigns that ever existed. First of all, I don’t know if you’ve ever had sex, but it’s never casual. 

You’re interacting with power unsheathed.

Next, sex is where we exchange survival memes. Those who sex often and without grasping have the most cellular wisdom. 

Who is the better tennis player, someone who plays with one person from the time they start playing, or someone who plays every person they possibly can to learn every response they can? Normalize cross-training consciousness and pull the maidens down from the white towers.



Determine your joy.

It will never make you happy. Whatever it is.

Happiness is a determination you make. In other words, you make it, it does not make you. It does not happen passively.  And while you can’t guarantee an outcome, you can learn to allow the self-arising geyser of joy that exists beneath your sense of control to gush.  Don’t mistake a candle for an electrical socket, a man for self-generating joy, success for infinite space and wisdom, or money for value.



Kick ass and take names.

You’re a healer not a nun. 

Your energies are scalpels that cut through ignorance, not Kleenex to wipe up the tears of suffering. How our healers ended up sounding like they were talking to very scared 3 year-olds, paternalistic and solipsistic passing as beatific and beneficent, I will never know—but we can cut the crap. 

Open, let it come through. That is the medicine.



Pass the credit.

One of those cheesy motivational quotes, “leaders take the blame and give the credit” works well for healers. 

Take the smog and transform it to oxygen and pass the fawning credit people will offer over to the OGs, the bodhisattvas and the angelic forces.

That shit is toxic in the human psyche, they will know of how to properly dispose of it.




I say it in just about every post, but relax.

When you say, “I don’t know how to relax,” relax. When you’re anxious about not relaxing, relax. When you are trying to force relaxation, relax. This is not “rest,” this is not “take a nap.” This is relax. 

How does one relax? Much activity to empty the muscles, followed by attentive inactivity.



Chill out.

This is different from relax.

This means, those things that get you overheated, take them in stride. 

They text, they don’t text. No biggie. They talk smack about you, they don’t notice you. You can pay your bills, you can’t pay your bills. Arousal brings heat, and healers especially overheat easily.

Go directly to the desire and don’t sit in the friction of conflict. 

The desire is always to be able to do what you do unobstructed. To be a force for healing and goodness. Secure yourself there and let the turbulence do what it does.

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