My BLog
The writings and musings of Nicole DaedoneBEST of
How to Spot a Liar (So You Are Never Taken Advantage of Again!)
From a world-class semantics expert 1. Don’t listen to anyone who says shit like this. It’s a gimmick aimed to…
Fear of the Dark is Fear of Woman
Barbara Taylor Brown has a great piece on contrasting “solar spirituality” with “lunar spirituality.” She says full solar spirituality “deals…
An Interior Room
Every human being needs an interior room of their own. It needs to be designed precisely according to how you’d…
A Woman’s Power is Rooted in Nature
"A woman’s power is rooted in nature, in her biology, the intimate knowledge that her body is what all other…
We Are Continuously Connected to All Beings
“We remember that we are fundamentally, inextricably and continuously connected to all beings and the world around us. Our intuition…