Nicole Daedone
January 18, 2025

Relationship Infinitum

Relationships have a shape to them. That shape is both defined by and defines how we interact with it. Relationship habituatum likes stable and square relationships. A square relationship is defined by hard lines and easily comes to rest. Relationship habituatum has a small number of faces. Relationship habituatum uses rules to keep things square.

Relationship infinitum is circular. Relationship infinitum is defined by a lack of hard lines and is dynamic. Relationship infinitum has both no face and an infinite number of faces.

Relationship infinitum uses spherical relating to keep motion: in one minute we may relate as husband and wife, in another as daddy and little girl, in another as best friends, and in another as power mama and servant.

Some relationships are simple: two lines together; two rocks together; two letters together.

Some relationships are complex: two concepts together; two chemicals together; two people together. 

It may seem that all of these examples are exceedingly different from each other, but from these examples we can learn a lot about relationships. Relationships are dynamic, constantly shaping and being shaped. Relationships are revealing, exposing purpose and depth. Relationships are creative, not just in volume but in type.

Relationship is the playground of Orgasm. It is what creates opportunity for the play of Orgasm. And like in any playground you might get tripped up. Some get tripped up enough that they stop seeing relationship as a playground, and more like an obstacle course. The constant change feels frustrating instead of challenging. The revelation feels repulsive instead of attractive. The creation feels more destructive than valuable. In order to stop all of this negativity we try to drain out all the change, the revelation, and the creativity. This is the land of Relationship habituatum: static, flat, and dull. In Relationship habituatum, two don’t come together to make a third, two come together and may happen to remain in close proximity to each other for some period of time.

But this is not what relationship is, and Relationship infinitum knows it. Relationship infinitum flexes to meet change, opens to accept revelation, grows to meet creativity in whatever form that comes, even if it happens to be frustration, repulsion, and destruction. Relationship infinitum sees obstacle courses as playgrounds instead of the other way around. It is here that Orgasm has full room to play. 

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