My BLog
The writings and musings of Nicole DaedoneBEST of
Intimacy Dissolves Conditioning
Intimacy is a faculty that imposes no conditions other than the reception of another.It requires no commitment, no agreements, no…
Freedom, Women
In an Insane World, Sanity Makes You Look Like a Madwoman (Part 1)
What if all of your defects and imperfections Your diagnoses and non-neurotypical tendencies Were signifiers of your strength, your genius,…
Beauty & Wellness
How to Create Somatic Sanity, Erotic Embodiment, and Holistic Wellness
Go beyond. Break out of the healing mold. Go from the doghouse to the mansion, from getting by, getting better,…
Female Consciousness & Sexual Energies Will Transform the World
It is time to re-embrace the Transformative Power of Sexual Energies and the Female Consciousness that it informs. Women have…
True Sisterhood
True sisterhood—not sisterhood about or over a man, and not sisterhood about commiserating—is where sisters reflect what each is capable…