Nicole Daedone


The writings and musings of Nicole Daedone

We are just as likely to find the Erotically illumined in a pool hall as we are at the Enlightenment Ball.

When we bind ourselves to the inward image of our soul, to our blueprint, and fully express who we essentially are, that expression will draw us into ever-deepening intimacy with our environment, with nature, with others around us.

What is “true” for men is often sold to women as universal truth. But women’s needs are not the same as men’s. The spiritual traditions that tell us to dissolve the self, to transcend the body, to strip away identity until nothing remains—those were made for men. Women are not here to dissolve.

Eros-informed is the capacity to work with arousal drive. It is an advanced ability that transforms and accelerates all would-be healing endeavors into creative acts, simultaneously advancing one’s potential for genius in a dual-track manner.

Eudaimonia or eudemonia, /juːdɪˈmoʊniə/) is a Greek word commonly translated as ‘happiness’ or ‘welfare’; however, more accurate translations have been proposed to be ‘human flourishing, prosperity'[1] and ‘blessedness’.[2] eu (good) daimon (spirit)

When you introduce the radiant flow of true desire, it moves out stagnant energy and replaces it with the sacred. 

Most people believe they want love—deep, full, overflowing love. But the truth is, most people can’t take much love.  It’s like pouring water onto desert earth—the water pools on top, unable to penetrate the surface. It cannot hold the nourishment it so deeply craves.

People are made up of moving parts—many drivers, many motivations.
What we call “manipulation” is, more often than not, an unmet need. A need someone does not know how to ask for directly.

To design a future, one must have a destination. True design works backward—you map from the endpoint to where you stand.

It is acceptable to be a sexual woman in our culture—but only within the right parameters. Be sexy, but don’t be too sexual. Be intelligent, but don’t be too embodied. As if those things are 
mutually exclusive.