Nicole Daedone
March 5, 2025

Make Your Home in Your Principles

We live in a time when 
allegiances shift like sand, when politics feels like an endless tide pulling us back and forth. It’s easy to get caught in the churn, reacting, resisting, fighting battles that seem righteous but leave us exhausted and no closer to the world we want.

The question is not just what we are fighting against but what we are building—what we are willing to stand for, no matter the conditions. If we want to be free, if we want to have power, then our home must be in our principles, not in the passing waves of content and controversy.

The nature of power is simple: 
it is not held in opposition. The mistake we keep making—politically, socially, personally,
is that we think resistance 
is the way to win. We define ourselves by what we are not, by who we are against, and in doing so, we hand over our energy, our attention, our very sense of self. We become slaves to the object of our resistance. 

This is not power.
This is reactivity. This is how movements 
destroy themselves.
This is what happens when we abandon principles for politics. When we allow ourselves to become unmoored, tossed from one outrage to another, we lose sight of the real work. Hate does not drive out hate.
Righteousness does not create justice. 

To live by principle is to 
refuse to be distracted. It means not allowing your attention 
to be stolen, your emotions manipulated, 
your power siphoned off into reaction. It means staying rooted, even when the world is screaming for you
to take a side, to lash out, to join the frenzy. It means knowing who you are, knowing what you stand for, and holding to that, no matter the storm.

When you do that, something shifts. The moment you stop resisting and start directing your energy toward what you actually want to create,
you step into real power. You become generative instead of reactive.
You start shaping the world instead of being shaped by it.

This is what Erotic Justice is.

It is not about tearing down what exists—it is about creating what does not yet exist.
It is about transforming the world, not through rage, but through attention, through the clear and steady force 
of what we bring forth. It is about seeing beyond the game of opposition and into the 
deeper mechanics of reality, where attention is currency and creation is the only real power.

If you do not have 
a home in a political party, let it be so.
Let your home be in your principles.
If the institutions around you are crumbling,
if the old ways are dissolving faster than we can comprehend, do not despair.
Something new is being born. But what it will be depends entirely on those who have the discipline
to stay clear and in creative aim. 

More Musings

The Age of Eros is a manifesto, a guide, to the coming of an era. This is a woman’s way.
March 5, 2025
March 5, 2025