Nicole Daedone
September 7, 2024

Erotic Justice: You Become the Path

Between news of wars, violence, and politics, I wanted to open a conversation on Erotic Justice.

I believe we are witnessing the emergence of a new era. From thesis and antithesis, a synthesis is forming.

Those who seek to accelerate it know that to walk this path is to become an agent of healing. You become both the process and the path. Like a tree that draws in toxins and smog, transmuting pollution into oxygen, you learn to draw in the poison of the world—the greed, the rejection, the ignorance—and transmute it into love.

Your being becomes medicine—not in spite of your history, your weaknesses, your mistakes, your lead—but with them. These become the very substance you work with. That becomes your gold.  

You embody the change you wish to effect. You become the redeemer you seek, the one who can salvage truth, beauty, and goodness from the discarded and rejected.   

Step by step, you reorient your value system, cultivating the capacity to make the unconscious conscious, chaos into meaning, disorder into flow. You learn to cooperate with the true nature of anything that crosses your path, drawing out, like a musician evoking music from an instrument, the essence of divinity in all of life.

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