Women’s Empowerment Boils Down to This

Don’t buy it.

No matter what. 

There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. 

It’s tempting to listen to: Doctors, therapists, religion, women’s magazines, well intentioned friends, trolls, convention, government, IG psychology, healers, husbands, love interests, sisters, the voice in our heads.

We want to be good. We want to be accountable. We want to be open to how people see or experience us. We want to be honest with ourselves, so we examine our flaws.

Don’t buy it.

It’s the ultimate sham.

The ultimate scam.

You’ll have to learn a few tricks: how to duck, sidestep, stand up, advocate for your own soul.

If you are advanced, you will have to learn to take it in, convert it with laughter, and send it back out as art that sends a signal to other women prone to take on the lie we all deny.

But, if you get it just right, a dimension emerges that is neither trippy nor trivial. It’s your nature, although it might seem quite foreign.

Perfection emerges: yours, the world’s, reality.

You change perhaps not one bit, but your perception does, and that grants you immunity

from the shadow-wearing that women do, that feels like carrying a grizzly bear on her back. It sounds indulgent, but try it, it’s no small feat.

Watch your mind scan for what’s wrong with you: You’re too much, your stomach isn’t flat, you’re tight and controlling, you’ll never get it, you are always exhausted, you can’t seem to get it together, you got a diagnosis that separates you from others.

Watch your mind seek for it like a web crawler and then nurse on the tit of “something is wrong with me.”

Empowerment is womanhood.

Womanhood is when we get off the tit of damaged, stand in our perfection, and become the provider of milk to the world.

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