Women Have Been Sexually Colonized

Our greatest wealth, our greatest resource has been appropriated by force. The masculine ethos of commerce, procreation, recreation, and violation replaced the life-giving spiritual plane of Eros, which is the purview of women. 

Colonies are the expansion of empires to exploit nature and natives for the grandeur of masculine structures.  

Absent their original sacred element, the essence of Indigenous culture devolves from mutual, invaluable benefit to detriment. Sacred maize that once held healing properties is degraded and exploited first as corn and then even corn syrup. “Life-giving” is transformed into “life-taking” when extracted for commerce. 

Our reluctance to claim our birthright and our rejection of the territory of sexuality stems from the fact that we know only its degraded, harmful form. The “corn syrup” version of sex or, at best, the “corn” version—sexuality for pleasure or procreation. 

Sexual energies offer unmediated access to the mystical state with the power to transform the world. The mystical state is the holy grail of consciousness, the aim of all meditation, yoga, flow practices, and psychedelics. 

The practice of Orgasmic Meditation restores the sacred container around sexual energies, allowing us to work with them in service to higher consciousness rather than squander them in indulgence. Recognizing the sacred nature of sexual energies restores these energies from that which ensnares to their original nature as the source of liberation.  

Women: Reclaim your territory. The vast realm of wealth that is sexual energies belongs to you. Refuse to be colonized. Refuse to be appropriated into a culture that is not yours.

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