Within your value lies an unconditional state of peace. The process is simple, but not easy: focus on that state, no matter the conditions. Make your mind a heat-seeking missile for it, so that anything you’ve done for others, to get ahead, or to get even—you now do for this peace.
Our lives reflect our peace, which is bound up with knots in the psyche.
Obsession, addiction, avoidance, charm, anger—these are responses to those knots. They can feel as though they “own” you.
How we relate to these knots mirrors how we relate to everyone and everything in life. Do you betray yourself? Manipulate others? Numb yourself?
Each knot is just another face layered over your peace.
When you keep your focus on what is inside, recognizing that no condition can suffice without peace, you are shaped into someone who can be intimate with life, no matter the conditions.