Unleashing Genius

The only way we once knew to deal with the alcoholic was to lock them up.

But then came a recovery program where the name of the book was originally going to be A Way Out. 

That is what I would say to you: this force that operates in you, and let’s be honest, drives your creativity, drives true innovation in the world, drives genius, is drive itself. 

We want our leaders and our teachers spotless and devoid of humanness but these people tend to be human plus—human plus a dimension of erotic, vision, consciousness and that the world will not accept.

So, they are “brought down” to the level of the risk averse. 

And you are in this category now, cut off at the knees. 

You have skin in the game.

You can say, “There is a way out. And that is for you who would beat me down to instead rise up with me.” 

And it is your duty to 
show the way.

You can see a better way.

You can see that it is not by treating each other as inherently broken and fragile that we will rise, but by flooding the collective system with a power that lights up the power grid. 

You can see that it is not by a tentative hesitant policed and neutered social dialogue that we will find each other at once whole and strong.

The eternal navel-gazing for tinier and tinier pieces of lint to pull out before the world as proof of our intrinsic weaknesses, the new badge of honor in a world where one-downmanship reigns as the supposed solution to the hierarchy.

But it will be by the wrestling of the gods that we are that will break up the congestion and draw forth powers.

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