Feed the self
End the causes of deprivation
Feed others
1. Take your seat at the table
Woman’s temple is the table, and what is served is power. Serve yourself. Serve others. Whether it be sustenance, food, or companionship. Or the bargaining table in the marketplace where a woman haggles for the art of connection. Or the demonstration tables in the Temple of Venus where the priestess would lie before the congregants, be made love to, and allow her body to become the feast for the eyes and soul, to feel the one hunger we have. Feed others from your overflow, your bounty. Do not permit yourself to get in a state of hunger (or do not permit yourself hunger pangs) because we all say and do things we regret when we are hungry. Feed your desire, your love, your sex, your body.
2. Feed yourself well so that you are not stuffed or starving
Good food is the result of the best ingredients. Grow them yourself, whether they are vegetables or ideas—allow nothing industrialized, be it belief, information, or sex—into your body or mind. Industrialized means isolated from the sacred in service to commerce. The soul is then exchanged for speed to produce the sterilized “more” dressed up as real. Remember that preservatives don’t preserve. Fillers don’t fill. Empty calories feed craving not hunger.
3. Get love fat
There are indeed good fats; they fill you with the good stuff, stave off cravings, and absorb the assault of the world. Much of the world can feel like it’s hitting bone; the bites and aggressions and teeth bearing of a world that lacks the necessities of truth, connection, and a good solid compass. Remember that Eros is that which connects what would otherwise be experienced as separation. And remember that an enemy absorbed into the heart becomes an ally (although allies do not always appear as such). Yes, women wield swords that we use when necessary. But, if you are in possession of the bomb of Eros, you know it, are willing to use it, and have the capacity to absorb impact into The Erotic Cloud. Well, you have a different authority.
4. Remember good or bad is only that with respect to your aim
Remember that nuclear power can light up or blow up the world. That fire can cook, heat, and fuel as well as burn down our forests. Steam can move a turbine or build to explosion. There is no inherent good or bad but there is stewarding and being in the thrall of power. Feminine energies: sex, Eros, desire, creativity, magnetization.
They can consume the smog of the world, convert it, and return it all as love. Or it can consume indiscriminately, like wildfire, you and those around you in jealousy, possession, ownership, compulsion, and a drive for comfort. But, if you are of the feminine heroic, you do not have the option of not—not employing, or not sharing. You are obligated to shift from being fragile like a flower to fragile like a bomb and knowing exactly how, when and what to detonate to remove what is not in alignment with nature and protect what is.
5. Break the woman mold
Although we throw a finger-pointing smokescreen at men, the stories of heartbreak and destruction stem from women; women who remain behind the scenes and operate through men, and who employ the forces of culture and law to protect their own self-interest. It’s easy to have a certain disdain for women (albeit privately, because it’s so gauche to dislike in our culture). We are indecisive or bossy, surreptitious or attention-hungry, spineless or demanding, victim or villain. We will stab you in the back. And the front. But this is what the poor do; they protect their self-interest at all costs.
They shape-shift in self-interest. Even if they take no interest in discovering who that self is. You are wealthy beyond imagination. Claim your wealth at the window. Hint: it lies between your thighs. And you will not have to attend the Communist Party of Women where we agree to push down our desire so that we are pissed off with a smile and ready to forbear. Women do the equivalent of the Marxist waiting in the bread line in order to appear “ethical.” Claim your wealth, spend your wealth well, and you will not have to be hardened and hopeless in order to fit in.
6. Don’t negotiate with terrorists
As a woman, you have the most precious resource on the planet: Eros. Do not allow others to exploit your resources. Do not believe that ignorance will protect you, that if you are just a good person and do the right thing, the right thing will happen. Do not give in to either the hope or fear, that somehow, some way, you will not have to employ an internal defense system, an internal army, and call in all of the desire-protectors to ensure that those with less aspirational intentions do not get hold of your liquid gold.
Those who tell you that you can outsource protection—to the alpha man or the government—are enfeebling you. Owning land with great resources requires great engaged leadership. Do not let your good nature be taken advantage of as you get robbed from behind. Do not worry about how sad people are that you make it difficult to rob you blind or keep you at home, a hero in chains.