On Spiritual Bypassing (part 3)

Polarization is the enemy.

People are the victims of polarization, not the cause. 

Wrath is the quality that we least understand especially in questions of justice.

The poison is the self, the self-interest or inflation that would get outraged.

To have an equanimous view means to not be identified with but it does not mean to ignore, suppress, or deny.

It’s a mind so open that you see everything and with the intent of wanting liberation for all living beings you see deeper solutions. 

You get sober from the ego that is looking for its next hit, its next chance to be right or to conquer.

The only thing that gratifies is the slow work of offering a potential view of how someone might

break free from the bondage of self.

You know the people who use the spiritual language and fight on spiritual grounds from a position of looking to be right?

They are the near enemies, the more dangerous enemies of spiritual community. They have made their ego more sophisticated.

Nothing to do but laugh and keep moving.

So, if you are clear that there is not one human being that does not deserve compassion, that is not interdependent, and wrath arises – then wrath away.

If you wish equally for the liberation of all, break out that sword. You are qualified to use it.  

If not, your “wrath” is a spiritual bypass likely used to tell those with genuine optionality that they are committing a spiritual bypass for not jacking themselves up with the amphetamine of the masses: outrage.

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