Nicole Daedone
August 13, 2024

We Use Our Sexual Energies to Sell Out

Understand this: the feminine and masculine are unitive. Feminine is the completeness. It includes the masculine. It includes the masculine, just as the word “apple” implies both the skin and the meat of the fruit within. There is no separation. 

Women have been conditioned to search outside of themselves for a man to protect them, rather than recognizing the completeness of Eros within them. 

We’ve been taught to believe that a man will carve out the channels for us and shape our reality. But he cannot conjure what isn’t already being presented; only Eros can draw that forth. 

Without this understanding, the world is upside down. It’s not men who have abandoned women; it’s de-magnetized women who have allowed chaos and confusion to take root. A bold political statement, yes, but it’s also a spiritual truth. 

The reason sexuality isn’t seen as sacred in our culture is we as women haven’t held our sexual energies as sacred. We’ve traded our most precious treasure to be part of the world of appearances. 

In the same way we looked outside of ourselves in order to get our needs met, we looked outside of ourselves to be seen as the treasure and jewel that we are. 

If we were rooted in our power, the world would be in response to us. Instead, we’ve thrown our pearls before swine. 

We use our sexual energy to sell out—for production, for a boyfriend, for anything. 

The masculine within us is what is meant to protect our sexual energies, to keep our signal strong. This energy flowing through our own channel is the only thing that truly shapes our reality out here.

More Musings

The Age of Eros is a manifesto, a guide, to the coming of an era. This is a woman’s way.
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