Nicole Daedone
January 6, 2025

We Long for Our Heroes to Be Untarnished

We long for our heroes to be untarnished, their egos uninflated, devoid of the fragile marks of humanity. Yet, how many have jolted us simply through their humanity?

We chase enlightenment as if it were an escape route, a flight from the very essence of living. It irks us that they remain rooted in their humanness, for we yearn to leave it all behind and these people betray our hope
that we could ever ascend beyond 
the tangled web of our own lives.

But there lies another path—a choice to cradle life with fervent passion, to dive deep into each fleeting moment.

To engage fully, heart and soul, rather than retreat into a placid, detached serenity.

We’ve been led to believe that our bodies, desires, energies, loves, finances, and connections are burdens to shed, the roots of our discontent. We seek to withdraw from life’s ebb and flow, to sidestep its storms and calm seas alike. And so begins a hollow semblance of spirituality, stripped of true essence.

Yet, imagine finding freedom in bondage, discovering the profound within the profane, love amongst the despised.

True liberation arises from total immersion, from letting every thread of life weave into the tapestry of our being.

Here, bliss resides in synthesis—nothing alien, nothing to forsake, where all converges into one unified experience.

The solace we crave in escape resides within—the body’s yearnings, the mind’s musings, the interplay of light and shadow. Each is a verse in the poem of our lived experience.

It is ours to inhabit, to feel deeply, to meld these contrasting elements into a harmonious whole,
the completeness of totality. Body, mind, and spirit dance together, balanced in the perpetual awareness that sustains our every breath, our every heartbeat.


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