Nicole Daedone
October 5, 2024

We Have Made Mother Our Servant

In a culture that lacks the faculty of vision, the relationship to the Mother—both real and abstract—becomes distorted. 

She is viewed as a servant. This plays out in the psyche as what lures us back: into slumber, resignation, and complacency. 

What whispers to us that we don’t need to face our responsibility, that we deserve this time out, this self-care. What seduces us into defeat and defeatism, and into pressing snooze on the alarm clock of our awakening. It tells us that someone else will be responsible for our karmic portion. 

We are all things child under the influence of this distortion of archetype. The world is big and we are small, helpless, frozen. 

That deep-seated sense of meaninglessness sets into the bones and from it arises a quiet and insistent, “why bother?”

We’ve hung our will and agency on the built-in benevolence of the world, but with demand that it do for us what we could—and more importantly must—do for ourselves.

The psychic thrash will throw up all of the behaviors that would draw on the “mother” in those around us and turn the volume up: depression, sickness, & perceived harm. All things that call for nurturance and protection. 

The second we get our footing in autonomy, we will mysteriously want to crawl back into bed, into the “womb.” This is the fundamental ignorance principle at work; the aspect that wants to withdraw, just be tended to, and avoid the grind of adulthood. 

This is the membrane one must move through when entering the adult terrain of Eros. 

The way through is simple but not easy. The amount of inertia that draws you back, must be reversed. In direct proportion to the yearning to be cared for, mothered, carefree—regardless of gender, you become the mother to the world. This is the reversal into good fortune.

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