Nicole Daedone
May 1, 2024

We Do to Our Sexual Energies What Men Do to Us

(We see them as something to be used)

Don’t buy it with your life force, which is the price you pay

We would rather use our most sacred power—our sexual energies—to get status, dominance, an income, or a partner, than for our ultimate, unlimited wealth, our liberation, and the capacity to free others from the tumescent fog.

You buy it every time you agree to division

You buy it every time you tamp it down

You buy it every time you contort your desire, your expression, your arousal, your turn-on down into your gut

You buy it every time you try to soothe it with food, with wine, with shopping, with romance

You buy it every time you try to stuff a man, woman, or other in there (and often when you try to push someone out)

You buy it every time you push away the desire to create something great, or downplay it

You buy it every time you engage in stupid online drama that temporarily drains the tumescence but does absolutely nothing for your creative self or the world

You buy it every time you demand your opinion be heard rather than open to feel the suffering of the world, the love of the world, the call of the world

We don’t necessarily like to hear this but the revolution will be fought on our backs, with hearts and legs open

Men march. Women absorb & transform. Liberate and love. Plug in and express.

More Musings

The Age of Eros is a manifesto, a guide, to the coming of an era. This is a woman’s way.
February 11, 2025
February 10, 2025