Nicole Daedone
December 12, 2024

This is the Beginning of a New Era: The Age of Eros

A new energy is rising—daimonic, transformative, and unstoppable.

This is the Age of Eros.

We are unlocking a power that will become the world’s fuel. Orgasmic Meditation (OM) is the practice that will allow us to meet it. Through OM, we will learn to attune our consciousness to this force, Eros,
carrying us from a fragmented present into a future defined by flow, connection, and boundless creative potential.

This era is for the outcasts: the geniuses, the discarded, those who live at the margins of society.

It’s not about what’s wrong with them—it’s about what’s 
uniquely right with them.

This era welcomes the “cancelled,”
the ones who dared to venture 
into a zone unknown. These individuals, refined through the initiation of cancellation, are
marked by resilience, flow, and the capacity to carry forward the ideals planted during the Summer of Love, ideals that, until now, have remained unrealized.

Women fortified with Eros, stepping out of dependency, will lead the way.

The post-cancellation era will belong
to those who have become sober
from samsara—the endless need 
to prove, validate, or be liked. A “third way” will emerge: 
Ginga, the art of nonlinear resourcefulness.
This advanced “play consciousness” 
will replace the rigid structures
of dualistic thinking and institutionalized intellect.

The systems of this new era will not oppose the old but will surpass
them in function and beauty, rendering them obsolete. The leader will not be a single 
figure but a crowdsourced awakening—a grid of illuminated individuals connected, usable, and capable of transmitting this new energy.

Healing will no longer
fixate on what is broken. It will arise as a byproduct of embodied mystical experience: the ability to titrate mystical states into the nervous system 
will become the new medicine.
Healing will circulate like a contagion, spreading not through intervention
but through resonance.

As stress transmits, so too will healing. Old institutions—self-help, pharmaceutical, and therapeutic models based on pathology—will fade. In their place will rise systems rooted in human potential, demonstrating extraordinary achievements in flow and performance.

Marginalized groups will no
longer seek to conform to
the standards of privilege.
Instead, they will stand tall in their unique expression and power, recognizing that what was once called privilege is, in fact, a brittle, impoverished state—a symptom of lacking erotic nourishment.

Participation, engagement, and connection will become the true currency. Empowerment will come
from uncovering one’s unique contribution, not from seeking 
to fit into outdated molds.

The world will evolve into a collective of unique
individuals soaring on two equal wings: individual capacity and collective connection. Each will bring nutrients the 
other needs, creating a balanced
and interconnected ecosystem.

Intimacy will guide this new paradigm—intimacy with 
oneself, one’s community, the
global collective, and nature.
Human nature will be rewilded alongside the environment, and all forms of life will, once again, align with these principles of connection and creativity.

What spirituality was to the 1970s,
Eros will be for this new era. The dominance of sexual 
materialism will crumble in the face
of true Eros—each individual accessing personal power unmediated by outside systems or gatekeepers. With this direct connection

to power, personal responsibility will become essential.

Religions, long acting as gatekeepers to the mystical, will fade.
In their absence, humanity will embody the principles that underlie all spiritual traditions: love thine enemy, all are created equal, treat others as you wish 
to be treated, stay true to oneself, and make kindness your religion.

We are transitioning from an era of self-preservation to one of self-dissolution.
From survival consciousness to creative consciousness.

More Musings

The Age of Eros is a manifesto, a guide, to the coming of an era. This is a woman’s way.
March 13, 2025
March 13, 2025