Nicole Daedone
January 6, 2025

There Is an Ancient Fear Within All Women

There is an ancient fear within all women: If I choose to fly, if I follow desire, I will be alone.

This fear is embedded in our bodies. For most of history, being alone meant death. And so most women choose to stay on the ground of the known and secure life.

But within our soul, every woman knows the potential. She can see the golden outline of her life were she to let go of the weights she must actively hold onto.

And so, I believe one of the greatest lessons a woman can learn is how to be alone by choice. Alone, not abandoned. Alone, and fulfilled.

Alone, with art, life, and creation flowing through you, until the fear of being alone no longer has power.

And from that place, you can choose love—not from fear, but from abundance. When you’re whole, love becomes a choice, not a need. That’s the love that lifts you, the love that sets you free; that is love in flight.

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The Age of Eros is a manifesto, a guide, to the coming of an era. This is a woman’s way.
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