Nicole Daedone
December 30, 2024

The Next Feminist Movement Is Erotic

The feminism we’ve known has largely been a fight. Women demanding equality, carving out space in systems that were never built for them.
It’s a battle that may have
changed the landscape, but it has not changed the architecture. 

But what if the way forward
isn’t through fighting? What if the systems we seek to dismantle cannot be won over, reworked, or toppled because they are fundamentally incompatible with the feminine? 

The next feminism will be Erotic. 

The Erotic, as Audre Lorde described, is a wellspring of power that connects us to our essence. It is not something to wield against an adversary but something to embody.

Women have been conditioned to see their worth reflected in what they do, or how they compare to others. But the Erotic does not measure or compare. It expands, receives, and radiates. It defies the logic of control, offering instead an uncontainable, generative force. To live erotically is to trust in the inherent value of one’s being, independent of external validation.

This shift will also redefine how feminism relates to men. Men will not be adversaries to overcome nor saviors to lean upon but allies in a broader reclamation of humanity.

More Musings

The Age of Eros is a manifesto, a guide, to the coming of an era. This is a woman’s way.
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March 10, 2025