(The) Mother’s Little Helper: A short instruction manual through the various afflictions of the mind
1.To temper anxiety: apply access to the archetypal realm. Anxiety is the desperate beating of the heart like wings flapping in a cage to break out and get back home. Do not get entranced with the frenetic search, do not do what it says, which will be to distract, grab for a salve, or engage in grave rumination. To master it, there is a chute that runs straight down your center; allow yourself to drop down as if you are in an elevator shaft to your groin. There are portals into the realm: art, poetry, sex, sacred sex, nature (especially feet in soil), water. Engaging with is good. Making is better.
The insider’s trick:
No matter what it is, no matter what is coming at you, no matter what is said
Open where you would otherwise close
Open into such vast space that it keeps shuttling through
Every time
For the rest of your life
And then the single instruction becomes the path that takes you all the way home
(For beginners, do arduous work, austerities, precepts and promises.)