Nicole Daedone
February 10, 2025

The Lie About Women’s Power

We have been sold a lie
about female power. Somewhere along the way, we came to believe that 
power was resistance. That it was the ability to say no, to withdraw, to withhold.

We learned that to be powerful meant to be untouchable. That the greatest flex was to deny access—whether to our bodies, our attention, or our presence. We were told that power was in rejecting, in refusing, in withholding.

And so, women today walk around in a state of perpetual tension, mistaking it for power.
We have become a culture of contraction—muscles braced, jaw clenched, minds locked in an endless battle against what we do not want.

And what is the result? A signal that is confused, erratic, incoherent. Women send one call from the body, another from the mind, and yet another from the constructed identity of who they believe they should be.
The world receives all of it 
at once, and the result is static, dissonance, discord.

The true power of the feminine: It is not in rejection. A woman’s true power is in her ability to receive— to summon, to draw in, to magnetize. This is not the power of force, but the power of gravity—so undeniable, so complete in its pull that the world cannot help but move toward it.

When a woman is in full possession of herself, her body, her desire, her presence, she does not 
need to push or fight. She does not need to wield power like a weapon. She is power.

More Musings

The Age of Eros is a manifesto, a guide, to the coming of an era. This is a woman’s way.
February 21, 2025
February 20, 2025