Nicole Daedone
May 7, 2024

The Grave Error of Modern Feminism

We made a grave error.

Feminism made a wrong turn because it lost the feminine.

Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan had the right description of symptoms—a fundamental sense of feminine malaise—but the wrong diagnosis and the wrong prescription.

The issue lies not in our “ability to earn” currency, but in our “capacity to light up the world” currency.

It lies not in our finite resources, but in our facility in harnessing the infinite resource of Eros.

It lies not in our ability to produce, but in our ability to reign with both compassion and clarity in a way that inspires those around us to produce the most heightened states of consciousness and a world absent of hate and greed.

It lies precisely in “the feminine mystique.” 

But the real definition is the mastery of our capacity to magnetize the visible world through our invisible power and to steer it in the direction that corresponds with truth.

What we consider to be a precious gain is in fact ill-gotten and illness-inducing.

We were enrolled into the war effort

Then the Cold War, the economy 

The “equal pay, equal rights” woman in the workforce 

Our services perpetuated the industry of violence

Our own egoic and unnatural demand for independence made women co-conspirators in the demise of the world.

We are interdependent, impermanent, and dynamic.  

Until we build a set of philosophical principles AS WOMEN

That start with this foundation 

We will neither set ourselves free nor anyone else.

We will be participants in the activity of enslavement. 

Sexual energies when properly utilized by women make for insubordinate slaves

We hold the power that entire religious institutions and doctrine, cultural codes, and social ostracism are employed to exterminate, extinguish, eradicate.

Ask yourself, “What is it that’s so threatening about a sexual woman?”

And therein you might find the path to freedom.

More Musings

The Age of Eros is a manifesto, a guide, to the coming of an era. This is a woman’s way.
February 10, 2025
February 10, 2025