Nicole Daedone
December 26, 2024

The Call to Obsession

The call to obsession, with its attendant branches—jealousy, territoriality, greed so powerful that you would betray your own soul, your own ideals—is the lure, the only lure powerful enough to draw a woman out of her interior ivory tower, the constant seeking for her prince, and into the world where, integrating every last projection, she discovers that she is the one she has been waiting for.

The end of the match finds a woman bestowed with pure unadulterated self-determination.

Intimidated by nothing and no one, she stands in the face of all things masculine, seeing the right positioning—not bowing to, not conquering—but embodying the mother force, the holder of what is here to absorb the darkness, convert it into love, and send it back into the world restored and healed.

This is the journey of the woman who dilates enough to take in the final obsession and uses it and it’s impersonal force to birth her true compassionate inexhaustible purpose.

What had worked against her always, promising her that it was her salvation, now works for her and is the salvation of the world.

More Musings

The Age of Eros is a manifesto, a guide, to the coming of an era. This is a woman’s way.
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March 10, 2025