Nicole Daedone
January 23, 2025

The Blue Ocean of Woman

Our approach to equality has been to demand the decrease of one form down to the level of the other rather than to exchange that one may be made stronger and the other less concentrated. A living dynamic equality where both sides share full capacity, rather than amputating down to the lowest common and I would suggest unrealized capacity of woman. What we will not cultivate we demand they cut off and I believe this is at a dangerous price.  

A world absent of power, Eros, impact, assertion, aggression even, without the truly human qualities of jealousy, greed, obsession, lived from the “heart center” up is a world devoid of life itself. It is a life lacking plot and animation. Imagine an eternity of women’s circles, Kleenex and rom-coms and know that this is what, if we remain on the great neutering trajectory we are on, we will end up with. Our sensitive men, in aprons will be begging consent to feed us the appetizers they made for us, rubbing our feet as we all move into a non-aggressive, non-competitive nanny state where the force that exists within each human to break through mediocrity toward human greatness is deactivated and we fantasize about a violence that will break this pleasant-ville spell.

And this is the moment when we answer the question, “would you put the key in the lock and open the door.” The grappling hook of internal drive that would pull us from the feminine swamp of self pity, can be activated within us that we may have the capacity to rather than cut off masculine legs of greatness, develop our own. And stand up. In true genius. A genius never before imagined in the blue ocean of woman far beyond the read shark infested waters of man. We do not need to avoid the water altogether. We need to swim out further. And do for woman and reality what Cirque de Soleil did for the circus. This is our gift, the added dimension of art, elegance, taste, quality, mysticism to the pre-existing. 

But it requires, the taking full ownership of our erotic powers. 

By now, you may have noticed how I have circled the subject of women and Eros for some time. This is because the immune response is so great and the misinformed connotative understanding of what I am referring to so laden that I can scarcely speak without an automatic shutting down and the rising up of a defense system. As women, we feel a collective disgust and disdain for the erotic that is our natural spiritual plane. 

More Musings

The Age of Eros is a manifesto, a guide, to the coming of an era. This is a woman’s way.
March 13, 2025
March 12, 2025