Nicole Daedone
January 7, 2025


They will tell you to protect the sacred, protect the purity when in reality what they are suggesting is enfeebling. You are resilient beyond imagination and it is the self-purifying quality of the sacred that makes you so.

Freedom must be actively and ruggedly exercised, exposed to the elements, made strong from regular naked contact with the elements. 

Sacred is lightning and worms, filth and fire, hurricanes and mushrooms. Death, decay, & the bud and birth.

It is the effete man who has tried to cordon himself off from nature and call this sacred. To be literally out of touch with all the threads that make up the single taste, the one taste of the divine.

That some can only find it in the pristine halls and the pre-sterilized interactions that make for modern “sacred relationship” is a shadow of actual experience of the Divine.  

Men and women trying to be gods will separate themselves from the profane.

Those seeking to be part of the fabric of god will ingest poison and purity in equal measure and allow the naturally purifying forces to wash them clean in the waters that are sacredness. 

The former is man/woman in the ego conception of god.

The latter is man/woman in the process of humility dissolving into and unifying with.


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