Beneath it all is a seed
If you can touch the seed directly, you can convert it
It will push your attention away, it will deny, but see if you can stay with it
The nature of the everyday world—
referred to as samsara—
the interface between awareness itself and the world of appearances—lies a membrane
That says
“I do not want to be here” “I do not want to exist” “I do not want to deal with this”
All poisons arise from this
This moment is uncomfortable, this experience is difficult, this hunger is unbearable
It drives drives drives
Us into consumption, into rejection and fight, into distraction
Everything we are looking for is through the other side of that membrane but we bounce along the surface
Lured into consuming, fighting and checking out
Hoping that the pleasure-lure will last
Knowing that it never will
Which produces a fundamental anxiety
The neurosis of the temporal
Don’t live in the reaction
Go to the source
Meet the voice head-on
Look it in the eye
Recognize that it is the voice of the world
And not yours
Cut the cord between that voice and you
Don’t replace it with “I want to be here”
Just cut the cord of ‘Not’
And watch the whole world change
Watch the neuroses of compensation—
Withdrawal, tension, pressure, irritation, fear, panic,
That urge to escape—
I’ve come only for this
That’s the new mantra