Nicole Daedone
December 22, 2024

Our Erotic Energy Is Uniquely Powerful

Our erotic energy is uniquely powerful, a force potent enough to challenge and transform greed, hatred, and delusion and within our very biology lies a wisdom capable of moving the world forward, a wisdom awakened and amplified through arousal.

Yet, as arousal rises, so too does shame and humiliation; thus, our task is to redefine arousal as virtuous. With this reframing, we can begin to imagine how the world might shift if women no longer allowed shame to imprison their power.

What systems, industries, and structures would collapse?
And what new realities could rise in their place?

Rejecting parts of our past equates to rejecting ourselves, regardless of circumstance. The work, then, is to fully own every aspect of our 
sexual experience, establishing a sustained connection to our power.

In doing so, we are not only able to liberate ourselves, but also channel this power into the liberation of others.

More Musings

The Age of Eros is a manifesto, a guide, to the coming of an era. This is a woman’s way.
March 13, 2025
March 13, 2025