Nicole Daedone
August 3, 2024

Orgasmic Meditation & the Mystical State

One of my primary visions in the world is reimagining healing with the understanding that all healing, from trauma to physical health, is a byproduct of accessing the mystical state.

I believe that the holy grail of consciousness is the mystical state, both in terms of healing and accessing the creative mind that will build new worlds and repair the one we live in.

The application of sexual energies is key.

They provide fast, stable, repeatable, safe, and nuanced access. They positively reinforce connection & democratize access as there is no authority or substance externally needed in order to enter the mystical state.

The Mystical Experience Questionnaire (MEQ) developed at Johns Hopkins University by Roland Griffiths, the MEQ is designed to assess the characteristics and intensity of mystical experiences. 


it measures key dimensions of mystical experiences, such as:

feelings of unity,



deeply felt

positive mood,

transcendence of

time and space,

and a sense of

intuitive knowledge. 


In the Orgasmic Meditation MEQ study, 780 Orgasmic Meditation practitioners were surveyed.

The results: participants recorded a Mystical experience comparable to the 2nd highest dose of psilocybin used in roland Griffiths’ 2018 study.

— Roland griffiths on OM + MEQ


“I’ve done a lot of therapy over the years, as well as other healing modalities.  Don’t get me wrong; they’re all great and valuable.  The experience of this practice took healing to the next level.  It provided healing for my deepest shame and trauma, and it did so in a way that incorporated my whole body.  I couldn’t talk my way through this.  It’s like the difference between telling someone your neck hurts and going to the chiropractor for actual relief.  That’s what Orgasmic Meditation is like for me—an extremely safe, nurturing, enduringly healing chiropractic visit.”

— Helen, OM Practitioner

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