Nicole Daedone
December 14, 2024

Men Suffer from Emotional Ignorance

Men suffer from emotional ignorance. Not because they lack knowledge, but because a fog of misconceptions obscures their view. It’s not something missing; it’s something in the way that needs to be removed so the self-evident truth becomes clear.

Men tend to approach women as production problems to be solved, searching for formulas that get results. This approach is so ingrained they’re often unaware they’re doing it or can’t conceive of an alternative. In doing this, they deprive women of what they want most: being able to feel a man.

The alternative is Erotic Intelligence. Not “getting in touch with your feelings” or “tolerating her emotions” or “finding your feminine side.”

It’s about real-time, formula-free relating, best done with your limbic system rather than your neocortex. It involves stripping away misconceptions so your natural, body-based intelligence can shine through.

The truth is, all the challenges she puts before you—barricades, feints, red herrings, deadlocks, camouflage—are opportunities to enter a state of flow.

A woman provides the greatest challenges you will ever encounter and the greatest potential for you to become who you’re capable of being.

Just know that a woman who doesn’t seem challenging may have already diverted you without you noticing. You’re hanging out in her lobby or mezzanine thinking you’ve penetrated her inner vault.

This game requires your full attention. Most people mistake attention for simply focusing on her or thinking about her—but that’s just pulling.

True attention is seeing her clearly without formulas, knowing the right stroke in each moment. You can never substitute even the best formula for exquisite attention.

More Musings

The Age of Eros is a manifesto, a guide, to the coming of an era. This is a woman’s way.
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