Nicole Daedone
June 5, 2024

How to Create Somatic Sanity, Erotic Embodiment, and Holistic Wellness


Go beyond. Break out of the healing mold. 

Go from the doghouse to the mansion, from getting by, getting better, getting self-care to getting it on.

Healing can take you to the island but it’s desire that gets you out of the boat.

Find your desire & follow it to the center of the labyrinth. There you will find you, the one who would do the healing, the loving, the liberating, the creating.


Find your set point.

In the ‘80s there was a famous essay: fat is a feminist issue about the obsession with thinness as a form of bondage. We tried to counter it with the pendulum swing to “radical acceptance.” 

You have a set point, a natural place where you flourish.

Your body is begging you to go down into the submarine, into the silence and listen. It will tell you beyond fat and thin what it wants. More importantly, it will bestow you with the power to access it.


The body speaks in feeling tones.

It is closer to an impressionist painting than realism. It’s the difference between a fact-based masculine communication and the poetry of the feminine. 

Learn the language and access an irrefutable wisdom.


Plug leaks with caulk, not water.

Yes we leak, but no one takes our energy. To blame, to talk about energy vampires, is like plugging a hole with water.

More Musings

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