Nicole Daedone
January 4, 2025

Getting to the Pulse of a Woman’s Desire

When women don’t claim the full breadth of their hunger, men take on a double burden. For every flicker of desire a man feels, she’s carrying twice as much, though you’d hardly know it.

We’ve learned to swallow it down, hide it. It’s not that we don’t feel it—we feel it so much we can barely speak of it.

We’re not doing men any favors by keeping this quiet.

But now, in a world where we no longer need men for financial security, the stakes have shifted.
What holds us back from unleashing our desire isn’t fear of survival, but fear of impact.

Desire is a tangled 
thing for women. It’s not just about one person;
it’s an entire ecosystem, a ripple effect. Our partners, our families, 
our jobs—it’s all connected.

The heat of our desire gets 
diluted by the caretaking, the constant calculations about who might be affected. The mind tries to stretch itself thin, hold everything at once,
until desire itself becomes just another thing to manage.

So what does a man do, if he really wants to set a woman free?

He starts by meeting her right at the pulse of her impulse. He supports her as she unlocks those rooms 
where she’s been holding her desire away. He’ll have to strengthen his own consciousness to meet
her at that level—because that’s where the truth of all erotic life lives, where everything raw and unspoken waits.

This isn’t about romantic gestures, about coaxing her with soft words or flowers. It’s about the specifics—the pulse of her desire, unadorned. Exactly how she wants it. No scripts, no bribes disguised as romance. Just the barest truth of her want.

To get there, you have to be willing to go beneath the layers of her conditioning. To stand with her in that deep place where her honesty lives—where her real self resides, unguarded, unashamed. That’s where the truth of
her desire begins.

More Musings

The Age of Eros is a manifesto, a guide, to the coming of an era. This is a woman’s way.
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March 10, 2025