Nicole Daedone
December 21, 2024

Eros Reveals the Genius Within

There is a spark at the center of every human being, an innate genius that requires no justification or fanfare. It exists beyond language, beyond the compulsions to prove or perform. But most of us lose sight of it, buried under the debris of what we’ve been told to be.

Rules, habits, expectations— they accumulate over time like layers of lacquer. 

They press in close, obscuring the raw material of who we are. We mistake these layers for our identity. We call them “me” because we don’t know what else to call the weight we carry. 

We survive by leaning into the scripts we’ve been handed. We survive, but survival is not living.

The genius within us is not something we create; it’s something we uncover. 

When asked how he went about sculpting, Michelangelo said, “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.”

This is the work of life: carving away what doesn’t belong. Not adding, but releasing, so the true can emerge.

The fire within—our sexual energy, our life force—is the tool we use. 

It isn’t transactional. 

It isn’t tame. 

It’s the thing that, if you let it, will burn clean through anything that isn’t you. It’s not about rules or control. It’s heat. It’s letting the energy rise, trusting it to melt the falseness away. 

When this fire is ignited, the layers don’t need to be stripped—they burn away. Like fruit ripening on a tree ready to drop. The readiness is the release. The falling is the proof. The same is true for the parts of you that aren’t really yours: the habits you’ve clung to, the rules you’ve obeyed, the person you’ve tried to be. 

When you are full from within, those things can’t hold. They drop.

This isn’t a tidy process. It’s messy and raw, like the first cracks in marble. 

But in the heat of it, you see what remains, waiting to be freed. You don’t force the shift. It emerges.

What’s left is what has always been there. The genius, quiet and sure. The self that doesn’t need managing. The life that doesn’t need fixing.


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