Nicole Daedone
December 22, 2024

Cultivating Interior Resources

Our interior worlds are filled with resources like resilience, courage, a capacity to be with discomfort, joy, generosity, and empathy. These qualities make up our interior wealth.

In order to cultivate them and actualize our potential, we need to live in open exchange with others who know the value of and respect our resources.

Such people are those who are also on a path of cultivating their resources. We are built to live in open
exchange with such people.

We do our own interior work as preparation, so we can come to the table to be in open exchange with others who match our level of work, and do the real work. We ask the highest and best of ourselves in order to develop our resources; not going outside, or staying too far inside, of our range, but staying at that edge.
If we can, we must, but if we can’t, we don’t.

A dynamic tension exists between under-extension that occurs as laxity and overextension that occurs as tension; we look for this sweet spot in between where the feeling is one of charged effortlessness.

Our activity becomes a series of 
micro-adjustments—slightly leaning in and then backing up—in order to remain in this spot, which is our sanctuary in consciousness. The more we secure our position here, the more activity comes through us rather than us doing the activity.

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