Nicole Daedone
December 16, 2024

Cancel Culture Is a War on Eros

Cancel culture is more than social justice or even misplaced retribution. It is a war on
direct experience. A war on Eros.

To begin, let’s name it: Cancel culture is not new.

Ostracization is ancient, dating back to the Grecian practice of exiling dissidents from their cities. To be removed from the tribe was the ultimate punishment.

The message was clear: You are no longer one of us. Today, the stakes remain equally high. To be publicly accused, to have one’s name stripped of context, to witness friends evaporate like mist—this is modern exile.

It is the digital gallows, and its power lies in a singular truth: Humans are wired to belong.

We will not dismantle this culture with the same tools it employs—shame, silence, 
or violence disguised as morality.

The answer lies in pulling out bias at its root. From there, everything else begins to shift.

We have the tools to guide us: psychedelics, OM, and a return to the highest form
of consciousness—play.

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The Age of Eros is a manifesto, a guide, to the coming of an era. This is a woman’s way.
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