Nicole Daedone
January 2, 2025

Arousal and Meditative Contemplation

Orgasmic Meditation provides practitioners access to mental and physiological states that promote human flourishing.

Science is discovering that arousal + meditative contemplation produces long-term, sustained changes in one’s primary disposition that may both increase resilience and facilitate the conversion of traumatic experience into what has most recently been referred to as “post-traumatic growth.”

Current research on the healing effects of psychedelics is finding that entry into a mystical state is the key to the puzzle. 

The mystical state is associated with increased clarity, surrender, sense of oneness, and new perspective. Scientific research on OM indicates that one of the best ways to access a mystical state may be the pairing of sexual arousal with mindful concentration.

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The Age of Eros is a manifesto, a guide, to the coming of an era. This is a woman’s way.
March 13, 2025
March 13, 2025