Nicole Daedone
February 6, 2025

A Primer On Feminine Power

Undergirding my posts are the following beliefs. For purposes of ease in comments, this is a great primer so that knowing where I am coming from, we do not circle the drain with endless conversations about the fallacy of male domination, or the fallacy of the inferiority of sexuality.

1. I believe that the feminine is the deeper power, more powerful than the masculine and the physical analog of woman and man reflects this. See holon description below.

2. Eros is the source, and spirituality is the servant. We’ve reversed this, cutting ourselves off from power—just as we once believed women served men, rather than men executing a woman’s vision. Both reversals lead to control: one as material sexism, the other as spiritual sexism. The powerful see themselves as powerless by surrendering their power, while the powerless see themselves as all-powerful by denying the true source of their excess.

3. The cultural umbrella of delusion that we live under; that men have power over women, that women are passive agents, that women live in perpetual danger of male domination are the result of women actively taking on, perpetuating the illusion and drama that she is inferior.  This very bad habit leads to the greed, hatred and delusion that arise as the result of fundamental imbalance. 

4. The single solution is for women to reclaim position as source and the territory of Eros and sexual energies. Anything other than this is distraction and drama. Endless pontificating on inequity, male domination and female trauma is the equivalent to lying face down in shallow water and sobbing that you are drowning. 

5. Stand up. Get free. Claim your power.

In every natural system, an inherent order exists where the most fundamental parts empower the whole—atoms form molecules, molecules create cells, and cells compose tissue. Each is a holon, functioning independently while simultaneously contributing to a greater whole. This nested structure is called a holarchy. Through this lens, the foundational components are the most vital, providing the stability upon which larger structures depend. Just as an atom is the vital seed of a molecule, the feminine principle is the core—the essential force that gives life and direction to the masculine.

In our culture, we mistakenly condemn hierarchy itself, conflating it with the artificial imposition of power rather than recognizing the natural order inherent in holarchy. When any part strays from its fundamental role, the whole suffers—like a renegade cell turning cancerous. The modern elevation of the masculine as supreme distorts this order, breeding dysfunction in our social body. The remedy is not to abolish hierarchy but to reassert the natural order.

Recognizing the feminine as more “fundamental” is not an act of subordination but an acknowledgment of the essential structure and flow of existence. True balance emerges only when each part fulfills its role in functional relationship to the other.

More Musings

The Age of Eros is a manifesto, a guide, to the coming of an era. This is a woman’s way.
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