Nicole Daedone
December 21, 2024

The 6 Realms of Feminine Existence

Just as in the six realms of human existence, the access point for wisdom is not in the realms of “above” or higher consciousness, nor below, but in the center of our everyday human lives.

Above is marked by inflation, pomp, and know-it-all-ness, and below is marked by a feeling of enslavement to habits—comfort, greed, and anger.



The Goddess is the feminine materialism version of the feminine. She is all things “sacred” and “divine,” lording her superiority over women who reveal their shadow to the world. She is “above that” and takes the “high road” with dramatic flair, not associating themselves with the lower lest they look bad. She is performative, acting magnanimous without being in touch with the profane. 

She is focused on pleasure.


Golden Pussy

The Golden Pussy and centered on self in terms of contribution, the princess who is entitled to special privilege. She asks the world to wear leather rather than wearing shoes. Eros is for transaction, not an offering of her wealth. She lives in fear that she will be sullied, as her wealth is based on the masculine concept of purity.

She is focused on purity.



Woman is human and fallible but with enough pain to be open to wisdom and enough freedom from the tendency towards female back-biting to have the attention to focus on compassion. Because she lives in the world, there is the possibility for her to grow into being in it but not of it, participating and engaging with equal facility in the profound and profane, who will balance freedom-from and freedom-to. 


Good Woman

Good Woman is the woman who believes that form determines content. She conforms to societal norms, does her best, takes off-the-rack virtue. She participates in social institutions with the belief that they will offer her refuge from the difficulties of life, takes shelter. She trades her capacity for flight—and the risks involved—for security.

She is focused on comfort. 


Gold Digger

The Gold Digger is the woman who would do anything to achieve according to masculine metrics, from take another woman down to violate her principles. She uses her birthright of power in service to the material world. A lethal combo of masculine aggression with feminine wiles creates a woman always scheming to “get hers.”
The opportunist with a perpetual agenda. 

She is focused on position.



The Outrage-Monger is the woman who always has the locus of responsibility and blame outside of herself, burns with hatred that others have when she doesn’t, and deals with it by taking others down, primarily through character assignation. 
A lethal combo of masculine aggression with feminine wiles that creates the victim-perpetrator. 

She is focused on vengeance.


More Musings

The Age of Eros is a manifesto, a guide, to the coming of an era. This is a woman’s way.
March 10, 2025
March 10, 2025