It Must Be Women

Here’s where I got to:

Men lack the creative impulse that is woven into one’s capacity to give life. For women, this is so baked into our experience—the constant dynamic potential for change. 

We don’t realize that this is the grail.

This is because the people with authority—men—aren’t biologically hardwired this way so they lack this faculty of perception. It’s like being a sighted person in a blind world—both you and they think something is wrong with you. 

You have the power to do what seems otherworldly or magical. But you learn to hide it because the unsighted people think you are either dangerous or in danger.

You don’t use a cane, you don’t need brail, you can see if a car is coming. Myriad responses open for you. Except!

The leaders see you as threatening the stability of a non-seeing world so to save your life you pretend it isn’t so. 

You know the world that has a woman walk into a room and know everything that is going on, that spidey sense, while men see the surfaces?

Or the way a woman can turn on and the whole room is influenced.

Or the way two women can have a whole conversation with eye contact?

This is just the beginning.

For a woman to break free, she breaks this capacity from the fear and constraint that is coded for her survival.

This is daunting. We need women willing to undergo the process and see the backlash as an initiation. And there will be backlash, as there is great inertia in a culture (men and women) alike that wants to maintain homeostasis even if it’s wrong. 

Once she goes through this process, perfectly created to undo feminine conditioning—fear of being cast out, scorned, hated, not “marriage” material—the things that make women a servant or property. You must comply in that mindset to save the lives of your children and yourself.

It’s deep instinctual karma that keeps us in bondage. 

So then to the question of men saying, “this is just how I am,” I would say that is how people (men and women) perceive in a masculine world. There is simply no other option.

The world will not break free until this capacity in women is identified, broken out, and exalted.

It can’t be men who do it.

They don’t know it exists.

It must be women.

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