There is a dimension
that you would fight anything for.
There is a dimension
that you would
kill delusion for
and nip the bud of craving.
That you would be an outsider, and outlier, and out of the closet to proclaim…
This is my birthright: vast open space
The prayer is that you will not be well-defended against
anything that would call you out.
Into nature herself, your nature
that you know better
than your own breath
But forgot to breathe.
If you were given the key, would you use it to open the lock?
Would you pass it to another, even if you had to sneak it to them?
Here’s the koan:
What heals to the point that you see that the medicine was poison?
And another:
Where’s the trauma in
the mind that does
not talk to itself?
“Don’t let another
decide your narrative.”
Don’t let those who
fear freedom
and enlightenment
diagnose you.
For she who uses this key,
you are charged to always
and ever write your own narrative free from the
off-the-rack boilerplates
that leave you small,
defending your
and reactive
Inscribed on the key
is one simple instruction:
Be true to the
unwavering dignity
of your perfection
Bow always to all
But never to one