I Want a Feminism That Dares to Be Radical

I want a feminism that dares to be radical

To pull out the arcane, disabling, fractured systems “at the root” 

I’m sick of mowing the crabgrass, thinking if we squint just right, the exhaustion of trying to squeeze bodies with curves into linear systems, then some day

When I get it right, when I curb my appetite, when I tone it down, when I figure out the perfect way to man-speak my ideas

When I stop loving so much or needing my sisters to help me through 

When I am upright like the body part of the gender that defines what is good and true

When I can squeeze myself into demure submission or when I can acclimate to the zoo rather than pace my cage

Then I will have the belonging yearned for in the cells

I want the day to be today that I break from those cells or perhaps into them 

Into my own unique and honored biology that I’m not willing to discard  even with its profound inconvenience 

Then, I want a little plot of land 

Perhaps connected to others who want the same

And we will drink like sailors and dream up a new story for ourselves 

Where the measure of our worth lies not in how dry and intelligent we are

But how wet and fertile we are 

That we may say, you, you over there, you can do as you wish

But here, this is where love grows 

where once there were only well manicured weeds

Then, with that sign at the gate 

We will show men not how bad they are

But how beautiful 

As what we draw up from the roots, as only a woman can to make the impossible possible where we are all restored by bounty

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