Baring Our True Desire

In order to know desire, we must recognize and revere it, place ourselves on its altar, surrender to its wisdom. We relinquish the certainty of a clear boundary between where our will ends and desire begins. 

This can feel a bit like sacrificing ourselves—or at least the “self” that is primarily identified with intellect and will. It is, in fact, a moment of ambivalence we come by honestly as the implications of this new life are vast: What is directing our movement and how does our personal will interfere or interact with it?

It is through the unexpected contact with desire that our minds finally understand we can either be on top—the user in a mind prison populated with endless projections of how we might find satisfaction—or we can surrender, finally, and drop into the body, into authentic desire. 

We can learn to be used by desire, and this, and only this, is what will free us.

-The Eros Sutras, Volume 1: Principles

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