Are We a Match?

A wise skill for humans, specifically women, is the clear articulation of who you are and what you are about. This saves a lot of difficulties in the future and allows you to curate with salience in the present. There is no lack of your kind; they simply need a clear enough signal to find you. The “not a fit” ones need a clear signal that they will not be happy here, and it’s best to move on so that they can find their kind too. Not pretending to be anything other than who you are is the friendliest thing you can do for everyone. The only reason one might do that is if they have fallen under the delusion of scarcity. Don’t do that. There is no need to assert your identity or conceal it; just be you.

This being said, as more people have started following me, I genuinely want to ensure that you are in the right place, that what I offer will be beneficial, and that our conversations will be lively and interesting. Good lord, I do not understand why people come into a comment section to say stupid shit. Yes! Bring up valid points, debate, and dialogue. We both are the better for that and all benefit. But blanket statements about “calling bullshit” or the other self-important things people—especially women—do when they are “triggered.” Move along, little buckaroo. 

You can now gather that I am not everyone’s cup of tea. So much the better. It makes a stronger cup of tea. I’ve been called many things in the media. Behind my back. Online. Oddly, never to my face. Oh wait, that is not so “oddly.” To clarify: I am an opinionated, passionate, money-where-my-mouth-is, hardcore practitioner, deeply compassionate (including fierce compassion), deeply committed woman who believes that the purpose of life is to get out of suffering, the causes of suffering and to help others get out of suffering—and most specifically that the route for women involves the activation, realization, and employment of sexual energies. 

If any of the above triggers you, feel free to do ‘yo thang,’ do it well, and I bid you adieu. 

To add, I have a bawdy and direct sense of humor;I suffer no fools, and I am in no way in agreement with the recent enfeebling of humans – especially women – with the helicopter culture rules that might be called political correctness. If “safe spaces,” “trigger warnings,” and “religious beliefs” are part of your psychic lexicon, we are not a fit. Swipe left. 

I am interested in people who want radical engagement and participation in the world, who do not devolve to cynicism easily, who are cosmonauts interested in mystical states but don’t identify with the “medicine” crowd; those who don’t identify with much really because they have some fundamental notion that identity is the issue. The people I want to curate for see play as a high state of consciousness and seek out 5D chess boards, the most complex of which is how to end human suffering. I am interested in the all-terrain people who fearlessly enter any realm with equal and simultaneous attention—from the dark alleys to the transcendent heights, those who love the incarcerated, question the spiritual authorities, and delight when they discover a new access point. The faint of heart will not be happy here, but those whose hearts tremble with fierce compassion for all will. I like junkies, strippers, the marginalized, Vajrayana, erotic activists, trippers, infinite players, and lovers. If bad reputations, cancellations, or fears of guilt by association plague you, I am definitely not your gal. 

If that is not you, then there are superb places to go. I’ve been to many and have tremendous respect for the domains that specialize in the “healing” modalities. I can even suggest excellent places I’ve visited, books I’ve read, and thought leaders I’ve listened to. Gabor Maté is very sincere, Vipassana and Zen are beautiful, Brené Brown and Anne Lamott are genuine and kind-hearted. Let me know if you want recommendations. And this is a great off-ramp. 

Now that it is just the two of us, three of us, or four. Let’s rock this world. Let’s grab the livewire of the creative force and show them what they’ve never seen. I believe that the ones who do not fit in the box, tricksters and bandits of the dharma, the lusty ones, bad girls, and wild horses could and should lead the charge. All the people who have colored outside the lines are the most potent because they did not sell their souls and power to fit into the girdle of propriety. I believe that when all resources and gifts are shared with well-vetted, like-minded people who are geared for intelligent benefit, what could be called magic – but is really just alignment – happens.  Let me know how you want to play, and let’s get on with the business at hand. Love you.

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