If They Knew…

Say you’re on your best behavior. You’re doing everything right. You’re getting all the results, but the love can’t get in. 

Everyone knows how to be the best in their position, to be the favorite at something. But being the best robs us of the pure experience of intimacy. Of shaking out everything we ever thought we were, everything the other person thought they were, all at once. It’s an expression of pure wisdom.

Instead, in the back of our minds, we’re thinking, “Oh, if they knew this about me….”  

These thoughts become barriers, repelling the love again and again. They create a sense of insufficiency, making it impossible to take flight because we’re spending our energy protecting what we consider ugly.

The invitation is to open so that air, love, breath can get in, to unleash each thing we and the world have deemed unlovable. This process is what we call intimacy, where each part is offered up to be seen.

This only happens if each channel is open. There can be no performance, no faking, no gaming, no manufacturing to get the result. Only what’s real.

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