The Body is Your Compass

As a culture, we’ve lost our compass—the one that guides us toward flourishing.

It won’t be found in money, or institutions, or in the glittering distractions we chase.

It is simpler than we imagine, more intimate than we realize.

It is the body.

Yet, from day one, in a thousand ways, we’ve been taught not to trust it. A thousand ways that whisper, “Ignore that sense, that instinct, that knowing.”

The surest way to cut someone off from their body is to sever their access to sexual energy.

Strip away the layers that make them feel alive, powerful, untamed. Without that spark, people become easier to mold, easier to “guide.”

But when you engage with your sexual energy in thoughtful ways, especially with an attention-training practice like OM that is rooted in those energies, you become ungovernable.

You tap into something autonomous, something that flows outside the channels of control. You come into contact with direct power.

And when you trust your body, life begins to change—addictions lose their grip, chronic conditions resolve, creativity comes alive. The body, freed from its constraints, returns to its natural state of vitality.

This power lives within you.

It always has.

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