Processing, in many ways,
is our avoidance of a deeper passion or desire.
Why bother with the middleman?
Go straight for the desire.
TurnON resolves everything.
It transports you into the mystical state where all solutions already exist. Everything else—our complaint, our endless conversations about feelings—is a pale imitation of that reality.
Go to the source.
When the urge to process creeps in, challenge it. Tease it with a little humor, a nudge, a gentle taunt. Break the spell of seriousness. Nothing dissolves a problem faster than humor or desire.
Yes, life gets clogged with the mundane—getting dinner on the table, figuring out your taxes.
But under all that noise, ask yourself: What do I actually want here? What’s the real desire?
And there you are,
in that sweeter spot,
where things feel lighter,
where the tangle unwinds itself.
Desire will give you the muscle to meet whatever comes. It always does.